A Message Concerning the Tragic and Deadly Attack in Charlottesville

This weekend, Americans were shocked by news of the tragic and deadly attack on citizens in Charlottesville, VA, who were standing together against hate and protesting a white supremacist, neo-Nazi rally that swept through the town. The attacks included reprehensible acts of domestic terrorism by a known white supremacist, and an attempt to repress the voices of those who stand up against injustice, racism and hatred.It is impossible not to connect this weekend’s horrific events to the attack that shook our region in May, when a white supremacist killed two passengers on a Portland commuter train after shouting slurs at two Muslim women. As emboldened hate groups expand their reach and influence in our economically challenged environment, racially motivated violence attacks have spiked in our own backyard and around the country.As a union we know that we draw incredible strength from our diversity. In our union we believe that all working people have a right to the same level of dignity and respect. The members of SEIU Local 49 strongly condemn the rise of white supremacism that is attempting to take root in our country, and we stand resolutely on our commitment to advocate for racial and economic justice. Working people must continue to stick together, organize, and mobilize against the hate that threatens to divide and harm working people and our communities.Please join us in becoming a member of our Action Brigade so we can call upon you to take action to defend and protect the rights of all of our members, as we strive to create a more just society: Action Brigade signup


Joint Statement on DACA Repeal


PeaceHealth St. John Techs Join SEIU 49!