Kaiser faces charges of illegal bargaining

kaiser-delegation-to-mgmt-19april2018_11For months, Kaiser has refused to bargain in good faith with the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions. Kaiser is refusing to come to the bargaining table and is trying to get us to sign off on new rules for a partnership that would make it easier for them to outsource our jobs, cut our wages and benefits, and control what we can do and say.Now we’ve fired back. The Coalition has filed Unfair Labor Practice charges against Kaiser for this illegal behavior.

Here are just some of the bad faith bargaining charges in our filing with the labor board that kaiser must answer for:

Kaiser “failed and refused, and continues to fail and refuse, to bargain in good faith with the CKPU.”Kaiser “unilaterally announced at the beginning of a bargaining session that it was cancelling the bargaining session, along with other mutually scheduled future bargaining dates.”Kaiser “unilaterally announced that it was ‘suspending’ National negotiations.”Kaiser “conditioned continued bargaining with the CKPU on the CKPU agreeing to and accepting a ‘code of conduct’ that, among other things, limited the statutory rights of the CKPU’s membership to engage in protected, concerted activity.”Kaiser “conditioned continued bargaining with the CKPU on one of the CKPU’s member Union’s agreeing to stop picketing and leafleting the employer.”Kaiser “unilaterally demanded that it would only agree to continue to bargain with the CKPU, if the CKPU and its member Unions agreed to join a new Partnership…which, among other things:
  • ‘[allows] for [job] reductions’;
  • allows for Kaiser to expel any Union party to the Agreement;
  • prohibits any Union party from engaging in political activity that may adversely affect another party to the Agreement;
  • prohibits a Union from ‘call[ing], participat[ing], or sanction[ing] any sympathy strike against the Employer”;
  • prohibits a Union from ‘engag[ing] in any conduct that may harm or jeopardize the tax exempt status of Kaiser.’”

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