Kaiser SEIU 49 members announce May pickets
On April 19, Kaiser SEIU 49 members held a powerful action at Sunnyside Medical Center in Clackamas, Oregon, delivering 10-day notice to management of union members' intent to hold a series of pickets around Kaiser worksites in May.Holding signs reading “We’ll talk at the bargaining table”, union members expressed frustration with Kaiser’s delays in meeting the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions at the bargaining table to start negotiating a fair new contract."We are here today representing 4,500 Kaiser SEIU 49 members and the 80,000+ members of our Coalition," said bargaining committee member Cindy Vanderveer. "Kaiser has been delaying the bargaining process, and it's past time management comes to the table and negotiate with us."
National bargaining between the Coalition unions and Kaiser Permanente was scheduled to begin in March, but negotiations stalled following the departure of several unions from the Coalition.