Standing United to Win Racial Justice

seiu-e-board-blm-1As members of the recently-elected Executive Board of our Union, we know we have an extraordinary responsibility to make critical decisions that set the agenda and vision for our Union. We’re united in our values: as proud Union members, we want to provide a better life for ourselves and our families, and we aim to build stronger communities through our work. It’s also clear that to make life better for working people, we have to be fully invested in fixing our broken systems. Not only do we need to fight for better paying jobs, but we need to be invested in improving our educational system, making healthcare more affordable, and fighting for Black, and brown people struggling to make ends meet.As essential workers, we’ve all been impacted in some way by the COVID pandemic--from losing loved ones to the virus, to working long hours and overtime, to being laid off. Some of us have been the target of racial attacks; and Black, Native American, and immigrant communities are suffering disproportionately from the impacts of the virus.This adversity has emboldened us to think about how we create a better world. Our mission and vision is to improve the lives of working families, but we know that there can be no economic justice if we don’t first win racial justice. No matter what we look like or where we come from, we all want to know we can make it home to our families at the end of the day. That’s why we stand united as an Executive Board to support the Movement for Black Lives, and commit to becoming a stronger anti-racist organization.Click here to read our resolution and set of actions in support of the Movement for Black Lives.Our Union’s fight is about ensuring that we can all move through our communities without fearing for our lives or our loved ones, as much as it is about raising wages, negotiating collectively and union rights. When we stand together, united as a Union, we can make sure every family is healthy, safe, and secure, no matter our race, our immigration status, our job, or where we live.


ACT NOW to renew our COVID sick leave at Kaiser Permanente!


Kaiser LOU June 2020