Kaiser Bargaining Update: What's going on with our Coalition?

meg-jacy-julie-photoOur SEIU Local 49 National Bargaining representatives Meg Niemi, Julie Markiewicz & Jacy LaPlante are representing our union as part of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) at national bargaining in California. We are bargaining with Kaiser management over our union members’ priorities.SEIU Local 49 members are founders of CKPU and have worked to keep our union Coalition united for over 20 years. Unfortunately, some other union leaders decided to quit the Coalition rather than sticking together as we go into bargaining. OFNHP/AFT, ILWU and UFCW 555 informed Kaiser management yesterday that they would not be negotiating a new national agreement as part of the Coalition.We are disappointed in the lack of solidarity from the other union leaders in the Northwest. However, SEIU Local 49 is committed to working together with the unions remaining in the Coalition to win the best damn contract ever! We’re still 83,000 strong and ready to fight!

Will any of our wages, benefits or rights change?

No. SEIU Local 49 members will not see any change to our wages, benefits, or contractual rights. We are just beginning bargaining—and in our democratic union our members make the decisions, and contracts aren’t accepted unless members vote to ratify them.

What do we do to make sure we keep our benefits and win an even better contract with higher wages?

We must stick to our plan and make sure all of our members are informed and actively participating in bargaining actions. Our local bargaining committee is planning worksite actions and activities that will occur concurrently with every bargaining session.Show your support for a great contract by:

  • Wearing a button – talk to a CAT team member, steward or bargaining committee member if you don’t have one yet.
  • Visit our special bargaining website regularly to stay informed: seiu49bargaining.org 
  • Text “Kaiser” to 787753 (PURPLE) to receive action alerts via text
  • Sign up for email alerts with your personal email address

Have other unions really left the Coalition?

Yes. OFNHP/AFT, ILWU and UFCW are no longer part of the Coalition. Their national and local presidents sent a letter to management announcing their withdrawal from the Coalition.Since unions have never left the Coalition before—and these unions did not have members vote on this decision—we’re not sure of all the ways it will impact them. But since the Coalition governs the partnership, quitting the Coalition will change their rights and privileges. Coalition resources are only available to Coalition union members, and if they want to keep things in the national agreement they will have to bargain those from scratch or reunite with us in the CKPU.

Upcoming Events

Retirement actionsBargaining committee members are holding “retirement parties” at all Kaiser locations this week. Stop by and learn about our retirement benefits and what’s at stake in negotiations. Click here for times and locations.Union membership meetingsDate: Wednesday, April 4, 2018Times: 3pm and 6:30pmLocation: SEIU 49 Union Hall - 3536 SE 26th Ave, Portland, OR 97202RSVP here!We hope to see you at our union briefings next week!


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