A Labor Day letter from SEIU Local 49 President Meg Niemi

SEIU local 49 Members, 

Happy Labor Day weekend!

Hope is making a comeback! That's welcome news as we celebrate Labor Day weekend and all you do as Union Members, stewards and leaders to unite your co-workers and stand up for a better future for ourselves, our kids, and the communities we serve.

My grandparents taught me the importance of a good union job as a way to care for your family. My grandparents worked so hard: Grandpa Al as a Union Carpenter and Shipbuilder and Grandma Mercy as a Union schoolteacher in Astoria, Oregon. This year, when our SEIU members at Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria won a contract that secures our free Union training and education program as well as guaranteed wage increases that are an average of 18% more per hour—some will see a 33% increase over the life of the contract; I was so proud to be part of our Union and continuing the tradition of making the world better for the next generation. 

As union members, we come from all different backgrounds and identify in our own ways—Black, Brown, white, immigrant, queer, country, and city folks. Through our experience we know that the only way we can make sure we can bargain for wages that cover the high cost of rent, gas & groceries and get our fair share is to stick together and take action.

In 2024, we already have been taking action to improve the lives of working families despite incredible opposition from all kinds of greedy corporations.

This Labor Day let’s celebrate just a little of what we have achieved this year…

PDX airport Passenger Service Assistants are earning more paid days off and wages now start at $18.89 an hour, up from $15 an hour in 2021 is and a plan to bargain healthcare benefits is taking flight! 

Justice for Janitors! Janitors who clean buildings for Intel, Nike, US Bank, Portland State, and more got their biggest wage increases ever—$5 increase over 4 years—in addition to keeping their affordable healthcare. 

Legacy Health members welcomed over 200 new members into our Union with an organizing victory at Legacy Mt. Hood Hospital and now together they are going to make sure that if Legacy wants to merge with OHSU, Legacy workers deserve the best wages and benefits as well as a commitment to job security!   

Stand for Security: The nearly 800 Security Officers in our Union have been on the front lines keeping our communities safe in very challenging times, and they finally got a little respect for that important work including improvements in paid time off for many officers, improved safety training, and wage increases of $3.60 per hour. 

Kaiser members continue to advocate for safe staffing and quality care for the patients they care for. In the past few months, hundreds of staffing champions have been recruited, and our Union members are not leaving it up to management to make critical decisions about staffing without frontline input.

This Labor Day as we turn the page to a better future for our siblings, kids, and grandkids, we know we are going to have to work hard and stick together in our Union. There’s a lot on the line in the upcoming November election to ensure we don't go backwards; from our right to reproductive choice, to the ability to organize more workers into our Union without intimidation, to advocating for more affordable housing. In order to make sure our voices are heard at the ballot box, we’ll be in touch about the candidates and issues that impact us and will build a foundation for a better future.

Stay in touch!  Sign up for text alerts and email so we can keep you updated in the months ahead at seiu49.org/hear-from-our-union

If you have a question or need assistance from our Union, you can always check our website at www.seiu49.org or call/text our Member Resource Centers at:  

You all earned a joyful Labor Day holiday; I hope you get to celebrate. 

In unity, 
Meg Niemi, President, SEIU 49  


Una carta del Día del Trabajo de la Presidenta de SEIU Local 49, Meg Niemi


Legacy Merger Update - August 16, 2024