Legacy Merger Update - August 16, 2024

SEIU 49 Legacy Members; 

You are all doing an amazing job of staying focused on delivering high quality care to the patients in your hospitals despite a lack of answers and direction from Legacy management. Our community is so fortunate to be able to rely on you. 

With so much change going on we wanted to share an update and answer some of the questions we are hearing from members about the Legacy and OHSU potential merger. Please make sure you are signed up to get text and email updates so we can keep you informed.

As SEIU members at Legacy we have fought hard for our rights. Being active members of our union is more important than ever right now; without a Union Legacy and OHSU don’t have to guarantee anything or bargain with us over changes. 

What is Happening at Legacy?

Here are some answers to some questions being asked.

  • As union members in SEIU we have strong protections to our wages, benefits, working conditions and seniority because of our union contract. Our Union contract is legally binding and cannot be changed without the approval of our union members.

    We know that Legacy Union members are not going to agree to changes or takeaways that are not good for caregivers and our patients.  

  • As SEIU Union members, we have the right to bargain over any changes.  

    If the merger happens, we will push to make our jobs the best healthcare jobs in the region.  

    That means if we have a benefit like our free Education and Training program through the SEIU Ed Fund that OHSU workers don’t have – we want to protect it. 

    If there is higher pay for some jobs at OHSU – we will demand that Legacy workers are paid the same – or more. 

    If there is more affordable healthcare or a better retirement plan at OHSU, we want to make sure our SEIU members get those better benefits. 

    We will bargain over every nickel and dime to advocate for what is best for Legacy SEIU members.  We deserve the same or better than anyone working at OHSU.  

    Legacy employees who are not in a union do not have a right to bargain and have no guarantees. That means Legacy or OHSU can make cuts, do lay-offs, and freeze pay, and non-union employees don’t have a way to stop it like we do.  

  • It’s not uncommon to have lots of unions in big workplaces, and we know that we are stronger together and will work to support each other. It’s going to take all of us sticking together to get what’s best for all the members of our unions; we intend to put our energy towards bargaining with Legacy/OHSU and not changing what union members are in.  

    We are researching what benefits are better for union members at OHSU and we intend to demand all our SEIU members get whatever is better as part of our union contract.  

  • As non-union Legacy workers at Mt. Hood, they had to put up with whatever management wanted to do without a voice or ability to bargain. Mt. Hood employees want to bargain for many of the rights we already have.  

    • Union benefits that Mt. Hood Legacy employees did not have without a union:  

    • Guaranteed annual wage increases including two raises a year for many union members; the across the board with our next raise of 2.75% on 7/1/2025 in addition to anniversary raises for most employees. 

    • Healthcare subsidy to assist with lowering insurance premium costs 

    • Longevity differential; SEIU members at Legacy earn $1 to $1.30 an hour differential after 10 years. 

    • Job security & protections from lay-offs and unfair discipline. 

    • Respect for longevity & seniority  

    • A strong voice on the job, in staffing and the ability to bargain over changes.  

  • All members of SEIU are essential to patient care. If management is trying to cut down on managerial, or other staff, that is their choice, but we know Housekeeping, CNAs, Dietary, ED and Registration staff are not overstaffed and cutting them does not get to the fat. We have protections in our union contract from lay-offs, and we would demand to bargain if Legacy tried to make any cuts.  

    OHSU is doing lay-offs, and there was almost a strike over a 0% pay increase they offered to some union members. It shows that we need to stick together in our union because neither OHSU nor Legacy management is easy to deal with.   

    The severance program has not been bargained with our union, and members should be very cautious if considering the program since it’s very little pay and there are no guaranteed rights to unemployment or recall rights to work if you accept the program.  

  • There will be a lengthy state review process where we have a lot of opportunity for input and to push to demand that any merger include high-quality jobs with a secure future for current SEIU members at Legacy. It could be another year or more; in the meantime, all our rights in our contract are guaranteed.

What other questions do you have about the potential OHSU/Legacy merger? 

Contact one of us as your SEIU Organizers.  

Legacy Emanuel, Randal Children’s and Unity Center is Charisse Greene at charisseg@seiu49.org  

Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital is Jenn Forrester at jenniferf@seiu49.org  

You can also call or text our SEIU Healthcare Member Resource Center at 971-314-4550 or email at HCMRC@SEIU49.org  


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