Legacy/OHSU Merger Update

Dear SEIU Members at Legacy,

We're sure you have questions about the recent announcement that Legacy Health and OHSU are taking steps to form an integrated health system. While this might sound like a big deal, we want to make sure you know that this is going to be a long process. And during this time, we will be fighting to make sure that both workers and patients are front and center in every decision made.

Legacy and OHSU can talk all they want about improving care and expanding services, but none of that can happen without a strong, respected, and fairly treated workforce. That's you. They can't achieve their goals without the hard work and dedication you bring every single day.

As this process continues we want to make sure both OHSU and Legacy know our priorities please fill out the survey here:

If worksite issues or changes begin to arise because of this merger, please contact your steward. 

Together we are going to make sure that members and patients’ interests are protected. We won't let Legacy or OHSU forget that their success depends on front line workers. We will be closely monitoring every step of this process and pushing back on anything that doesn't benefit our members and the patients we care for.

Stay strong, stay united, and know that the 15,000 members of SEIU are with you every step of the way.

In solidarity,
Meg Niemi
President of SEIU Local 49


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