Legacy Mt Hood Bargaining Update #05

Stronger Together—We’re Union Strong!

As healthcare workers, we see every day how patient care is directly impacted by staffing. We know that to retain and recruit talented healthcare workers we need to be competitive, and that is why we have proposed, fully-paid healthcare, a 25% pay increase, improvements on differentials, employment security in the event of lay-offs, and so much more!


Come to meet bargaining team members, hear about proposals, prioritize what you want the team to focus on, and get your questions answered!

  • FRIDAY, January 17
    Cascade Rooms 1 & 2
    6am-8am, 11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm

  • MONDAY, January 20
    Cascade Rooms 1 & 2
    6am-8am, 11am-2pm, 4pm-7pm


Many of you have questions about the merger with OHSU. Although we do not have answers on a timeline, we do know that they are currently engaged in a state regulatory process. We know that if the merger is successful that our union SEIU Local 49 has these agreements with OHSU!

YES! These agreements apply to YOU!

  • SECURE HIGH-QUALITY JOBS WITH A STABLE FUTURE Job security for all union employees with no layoffs prior to the closing of this deal and for a period after closing. This means a stable, secure job today and a commitment to a secure future.

  • PAY PARITY AND MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS No worker will see a reduction in pay or benefits because of this agreement. In fact, we want a commitment to unify wages and benefits at the highest standards across the new health system.

  • ADVANCE RACIAL JUSTICE & CULTURALLY COMPETENT CARE The creation of a workplace where every caregiver and patient is treated with respect, dignity, and equity, regardless of their background. This includes pay equity, commitments to provide training for managers to prevent bias in hiring, evaluations, promotions, or discipline, and access to diversity metrics across the health system.

  • BUILD A WORKFORCE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW by addressing staffing shortages and funding career growth and workforce development.

  • UNION SECURITY OHSU needs to honor and assume all current SEIU Union contracts at Legacy Emanuel, Randall, Unity, and Good Sam, negotiate fair first contracts for new bargaining units like Legacy Mt. Hood, and agree to bargain with our elected bargaining teams immediately upon the completion of any merger so we can make sure our voices are heard before changes that impact our jobs are made.


We also have received many questions about whether you are union.

YES you are union!!

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) guarantees the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively with their employers, and to engage in other protected concerted activity.


  • ORGANIZING to negotiate with your employer concerning your wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.

  • BARGAINING COLLECTIVELY through representatives of employees’ own choosing for a contract with your employer to set your wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions.

  • PROTECTED CONCERTED ACTIVITY: TAKING ACTION with one of more co-workers to improve your working conditions by, among other means, raising work-related complaints directly with your employer or with a government agency and seeking help from a union representative. (Example: Signing a petition, wearing stickers, acting together to deliver a unified message.)

  • WEINGARTEN RIGHTS are the right of employees, upon request, to have their union representative present during an interview that the employee reasonably believes could lead to discipline.


  • QUESTION YOU are the right of employees, upon request, to have their union representative present during an interview that the employee reasonably believes could lead to discipline.

  • FIRE, DEMOTE, OR TRANSFER YOU, OR REDUCE YOUR HOURS, OR CHANGE YOUR SHIFT, or otherwise take adverse action against you, or threaten to take any of these actions, because you join or support a union, or because you engage in concerted activity for mutual aid and protection.

  • PROHIBIT YOU from wearing union hats, buttons, t-shirts, and pins in the workplace except under special circumstances.

  • SPY ON OR VIDEOTAPE PEACEFUL UNION ACTIVITIES and gatherings or pretend to do so.

  • PROHIBIT YOU ffrom soliciting for a union during non-work time, such as before or after work or during break times: or from distributing union literature during non-work time, in non-work areas such as parking lots or break rooms.

Join our private, member-only Facebook group and opt-in to receive text and email updates from our union.
These are the best ways to get the latest on each bargaining session. 

If you haven’t already, fill out your SEIU 49 membership app today!



MWMC: We Are United for a Fair Contract!