MWMC: We Are United for a Fair Contract!

We delivered our Bargaining Support petition signed by a majority of our members to the CEO on Tuesday showing our strength and unity. We bargained with management Wednesday and Thursday and have made some progress around our priorities to improve conditions for ourselves and our patients. However, management's responses to our wage and health insurance proposals have fallen short of what we need.

  • WAGES: Management has proposed 5% the first year and market adjustments which still leaves many of our members earning far less than their counterparts at other hospitals. 

  • HEALTH INSURANCE: Management is proposing changes to the plan design and increases to the premiums.

Bargaining will resume in January—stay tuned!

By continuing to stand strong, we can win a great new contract.
Let’s keep it going through the holidays!

1. Make sure to wear you Holiday Solidarity Sticker & continue to show management that we are UNITED!
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Legacy Mt Hood Bargaining Update #05


Legacy Mt Hood Bargaining Update #04